Bye-Bye PBL

05.03.2005 - 7:38 am

My boss left yesterday. Yes, those of you that have read me for a long time will remember that I used to call her Psycho Boss Lady. We've had our trials and such... I do think she is a good person at heart, just misguided in her priorities most of the time. It's sad. I reported to her for 5 years, I broke her in, I knew how to handle her and she knew how to push and support me. Now I have to break someone new in. They say someone new will be in by early June. Good, not too long off, and allows me to have all of May to get my two super projects done. Still stresses me out. I'm so burnt out, totally and completely burnt out, just don't know how the next few months will be for me. Need to talk to that person I know about a position...

Today I'm working from home to get system testing done. I need to get back to that. Or, get into the mental space to embark on it. Blah. Maybe another latte.

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