Planes, planes & Dishes

07.16.2004 - 5:46 am

So Nick calls me the other night from Atlanta, just finished dinner, and tells me he is going to wash dishes since he never seems to do that. So I did remind him that I did give him credit for not always having to be asked to do the dishes. And then I asked if I was telling the truth. Pause. Hm? "Yes."

So yes, I was busting his balls. And he has admitted that cleaning dishes is probably the lowest chore for him. Just like scrubbing the shower/bath is for me.

My dad left early early this morning for San Francisco. To meet up with his wife (my step-mom, which is weird to say). We had a good time. He went out three days in a row with our realtor to look at places in the area. (fingers crossed) We had a nice time. I found it kind of hard to talk to him this time, but it was OK.

Tomorrow at the crack of dawn, Munch and I are leaving for Florida. We are both looking forward to this (not certain Munch is but I'm saying she is). We haven't seen Daddy in almost a week. Munch has an ear infection, when we go for her 15-month we'll be talking about tubes. This is the 5th one she's had in a year. Poor thing! Wish I could just kiss is and make it better. So about 6 more hours of work at a desk and then I'm FREE for a week. Ya-fucking-hoo!

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