T-minus 4 days and counting

04.21.2004 - 9:35 pm

Boy it's been a long time since I posted. We got back from Florida late last night. Yes, the trip I was totally dreading. And it really wasn't that bad. I did feel a bit bad for my MIL, Munch was SO out of her element and full of stranger anxiety (no doubt, first time out of the state with new people and new surroundings) she just didn't want to have anything to do with anyone except me. She even got upset when it was just Nick. Thankfully, she slept well each night, was her usual cheerful self otherwise, and did let Grandma hold her on the last day we were there. My MIL didn't grate on my nerves too much like she did the last time. I could tell it hurt her that Munch wouldn't go to her, I know that will change in the future. I know it's difficult with all the grandparents being so far away, but we aren't moving back East (at least not now, NOT saying I would ever willingly do so either) and only one set is thinking of moving out here. Oh well, so are the trials of long distance relative relationships.

Munch will be a year old in 4 days. Holy fucking shit! I can hardly believe I'm going to have a one year old!! She isn't quite my little baby anymore :-( And yet it is so wonderful to watch her grow and progress each day. Just in this trip to Florida she started drinking water. Prior to that, it was milk or nothing at all. She's getting closer to her first word. She's doing that thing where she gets up on her hands and feet and tries to stand up. We are having a small party for her on Sunday. It's going to be so wonderful, and so weird.

I'm a mom.

Of a 11-month and 27-day-old girl.

I'm 33.

I never imagined I would be in the place I am today.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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