
01.15.2004 - 6:05 am

Yesterday was the three year anniversary of when Nick and I met. *sigh* It was a nice day. Nick was going to whip up a nice meal for us, but the fish was still frozen, so we had taco night. Munch was in a rather good mood, very tired, she fell asleep while eating at 7pm. So Nick and I popped a bottle o' bubbly and watched Frida. A somewhat romantic movie. The scenes and music and colors were fabulous! A rather enjoy and good movie overall.

Three years! Shit. Prior to hooking up with Nick my longest relationship was 8 months. And that was a totally unhealthy one, the deaf drug addict that continually cheated on me because he was a "butterfly" that couldn't be held down. I had forgiven myself long ago for that learning experience. Just the memory of it makes me cringe. In fact, the only good thing I got out of it was knowledge of ASL. I'm very rusty at this point, would like to take that up again.

OK, but this entry is NOT meant to be about failed relationships. It's supposed to be about me and my wonderful husband. The way I see it, after the year we just survived together, and supported each other through, there's nothing we cannot do. This feels nice. I never believed I would ever find a soulmate. Not one that supports me and showers me with love as Nick does. Yay. Yay for us. Yay for Nick. Yay for Munch (as we told her last night it was the anniversary of when Daddy and Mommie met which was a good thing because it eventually brought her along). Yay for love.

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