fucking gorillas again!

08.06.2002 - 7:36 pm

I fucking hate my job today. Wait...I hate the company I work for and the political BULLSHIT that surrounds it. I was actually talking to my friend Mar about that today. She feels the same, we both love what we do, we just hate our company. Of course, this has much to do with the 800-pound gorilla that no one will acknowledge. That 800-pound gorilla came back from a training session today and starting TELLING me all these changes I need to make for HER fucking life to be easier. I'm sorry...does your job description include HRIS Administration? Oh, it doesn't? Then FUCK OFF! I had such a long (productive) day with the HR & Payroll teams working out processes and really communicated with them and listened to their fears...the Payroll Supervisor and Mar and I all thought the day was a huge success. Of course, it also took a lot of energy and it removed me from my desk and work I need to do for 8 hours today. So it's 5pm and I'm tired and trying to get emails answered, blah blah blah and the Gorilla comes over and starts reading me the riot act about how things should be and how she doesn't agree with some decisions the implementation team has made. Well, I'm sorry, but you and your team are not getting any sort of administrative rights. Period.

I let myself get so upset that I ended up leaving the office and crying. I called Nick, burst into "I cannot do this anymore!" and cried. I felt so proud of myself, I reached out. He was great support to, he wants to work on a 90-day plan to get me out of there. I still feel pretty strong about staying until the end of the year so I get my bonus. I fucking earned that thing! After talking to Nick, I called three other friends (two weren't home) to keep that connection going. By the time I got home I wasn't sad anymore, just pissed. So I worked out. Thank Goddess for physical exercise as a stress release! I had dinner, and now I'm up here doing some personal stuff before I log in to work and get some more stuff done. I'll be SO glad when September finally gets here.

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