the Del, Part 2

March 14, 2001 #2 -

Sunday at the Del. Nick had some conference stuff he had to attend to so I slept in. I woke about 9am and began my day. I was just out of the shower when Nick came in. Beaming and hungry.

We went to brunch. Ate, joked, talked. We were shmoopy as usual. Finished up and he had to prepare for his panel discussion.

I was allowed to sit in on the presentation. Can I just boyfriend is SMART! Very direct and clear and concise. Even though I don�t fully understand his job, and I�m coming to learn about his business, I followed all that he was speaking about. The other two presenters were also interesting, one I didn�t quite get his product, the other was on a sales pitch.

We left the conference room, walked a bit away from the attendees...and Nick took off his work face. That�s when I told him ... �My boyfriend�s smart!� while doing some hip twist, chest thrust that he got a total kick out of. We are too cute for words, and you are all probably gagging by now!

We went back to the room and had much pleasure and slutiness!


Dinner. At the Prince of Wales. The most swanky restaurant I�ve ever been too! The food was amazing. The service was amazing! Nick was totally there with me and loving and divine.

We even scoffed at the bad 80�s hairstyle, whore a few tables over. Don�t people look in the mirror and/or check their calendar for a decade before leaving the house?! I mean come on!

Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful! We went back, to bed...and slept like babies.

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