And so it begins....

January 22, 2001 -

I�ve had many a-friend say how great it would be to document by recent dating endeavors. Let�s date it�s been 18 men since the end of August. And NO...I did not sleep with them all. only a few...

You want to know why dating in Seattle sucks? Just review my history. It�s quite entertaining. Or so I�m told. Hell, I cannot lie; I get quite the kick out of it. I mean come on! Just what kind of idiots do men make us women out to be? Most of us are pretty intelligent and tired of playing the Airhead-Flipping-Hair-While-Casually-Laughing game. That worked in college. I�m tired of the chase, of the games; let�s get down to business!

And I guess there�s more to it than that. I�m going through a combination dating-to-find-a-long-term-thing AND slut phase. Never had the slut phase in college. Here I am on the net coming out that yes, I lost my virginity at 24. Underneath the dining room table of my best friend�s boyfriend�s apartment at my Good-bye NJ party. (grin) And that�s not the most interesting placed I�ve hooked up either. If you are that intrigued, just ask. I have no secrets.

But last night...WOW! OK girls, back me up here, size often does matter. And boy was he endowed. The biggest I�ve had to date. I bled like a virgin. (you know there�s something freeing about being completely and totally honest when you know your friends and family aren�t reading) Well OK, not gushing or anything... Just a little spotting to remind me that not all men are created equal. I am getting chills just thinking about it. There�s something about this guy, in a Worship The Goddess kinda way. He�s even suggesting a weekend trip to Vegas to play out a little fantasy of his. Christ! I�m fucking a man with an imagination! Sigh... I do have to say, I�m enjoying being a slut J

That�s it for tonight. Thanks for tuning in. I�ll try to do this regularly. It�s all Nia�s fault. I�m hooked on the online journal!

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