
10.04.2005 - 7:50 pm

I'm sick. I've been fighting off a cold since last week, and I think I'm losing. I have a sore throat tonight, the worse so far. And my head is kind of foggy. Probably didn't help I sat in the same chair the last two days in vendor meetings. Gawd I hate my job these days. I feel like I'm in a constant battle with my new supervisor. Um, hello,how long have you been working in this department? OK, 3 months. How long have I been here? Six fucking years! I think I know what I'm talking about here...

I was supposed to go see Mike Doughty last night. I was so tired, and cranky, and not feeling well I skipped it. Bummer. I'm sure it was a good show. Oh well. I'm supposed to go downtown Thursday for a work event, hoping to play a bit in the city afterwards. Or maybe I'll be too tired if this cold keeps up.

Munch is almost 2 1/2. Can you believe it? We went to a salmon festival this weekend and she was so entranced by looking at the salmon. Now, salmon are not pretty fish (i.e., not featured on Finding Nemo) yet fascinating to watch. She also got to ride a school bus (shuttle) between our parking lot and the festival area. You would have thought I took the child to the moon, she was SO excited. Very cute. It takes so little sometimes...

Time to put the little one to bed.

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