Mom's Day

05.09.2004 - 6:42 pm

Happy Mother's Day! I had a very nice brunch made by my Hubby and my little girl. We went to the local place to be to get gardening supplies - got some more herbs for the yard. Then we had a late late late lunch with a glass of wine. That was really nice.

Munch has been incredibly high maintenance the last two days. Happy and giggling for 10 minutes, throwing a temper tantrum for the next 15, snuggling for 5, temper tantrum, giggle, eat, kiss, scream, temper, temper, temper...

So she's now in bed, about 30 minutes before normal bedtime. At what point does it get confusing for kids to send them to bed early because Mommie cannot deal anymore?

Friday night I slammed my foot into the corner of the bed. I have three, swollen, purple toes. It freakin' HURTS! And I feel as if I'm fighting off a cold. Maybe I'll go veg in front of the TV the rest of the night.

My two year wedding anniversary is on Tuesday. It feels like Nick and I have been togther much longer than

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