
09.27.2003 - 9:07 am

Nick is busy typing away some entry for his journal. Just finished breakfast and doing the email/read thing. Munch is slowing waking up. In two hours we are meeting with our photographer friend for more naked shots...me, Nick and Munch. I want to get a shot of her nursing. Otherwise I'm not quite sure what I want. Maybe naked baby on the bed all smiling and such. I don't think Sears would do naked photos, do you?

I'm starting to get a little concerned about my job. As in, do I really have the time and commitment to see this out for another year? Of course, there's that huge sum of money that I will vest in a year from now that is Oh-SO-attractive! But can I deal with PBL another year? Can I handle another system conversion? In some respects, I don't think this is the right time to contemplate this either. I'm coming up on my busy season, and the holidays are quickly approaching. I'll figure it all out. Maybe there's a part time job or a job-share out there for me that will fulfill all my needs and desires.

What else? Nick big birthday bash is in a week. There's so much to do. We decided last night to cater the event so we don't have to worry about cooking and preparing and being in the kitchen all day. That's probably a smart idea. We have a list of errands to run today. So tomorrow we can spend the day doing more unpacking and arranging of our lives.

I guess that's it. I really need a glass of water.

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