House for Sale

03.14.2003 - 5:52 am

Finally Friday. Basically 4-4 1/2 more weeks of work before I go out. I originally wanted a whole week before my due date, now I'm thinking 3 or 4 days so I have more time on the back-end.

Our house is officially for sale. Come over, take a look, and make an offer. I'm holding the vision that this is going to happen real fast. The faster the better. Of the three houses I saw yesterday, two would be livable for me. I agree with Nick about the order of preference too. Our top pick is someone relocating, so I feel the rush to get it. Granted, I've never done this house shopping thing before so I don't really know how this works. If it slips by, I know there will be others. I think Nick saw the type of neighborhoods and houses he desires when he went out the other day. Yes, I think a newer home is definitely for us!

Otherwise, my father in law leaves tomorrow. It's been good to have him here helping out and hanging out. Tonight he is taking us to dinner and maybe tomorrow morning we'll take him to Babies R Us to get the stroller/car seat (that's what we've decided they can get for us based on the offer). And I can get the pack-n-play my mom sent money for. Then I'll feel I have everything essential for baby (yes, I know there's more, I have key items in my head though).

Only 10 more hours until my weekend officially begins! Yahoo!

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