Bitch Rating

11.27.2002 - 6:01 am

I don't have much to say recently. I have 43 pieces and a probably that much in clearance items for the studio show I'm in next week. I'm not so sure I want to do this anymore....

Baby is good. It's fun to feel baby move around during the day. Sometimes it's more of a flicker, sometimes it's more like a kick. I'm feeling pretty good these days, still crash around 9 pm. And I don't have my sex drive back which Nick isn't too happy about. So I go on, doing all I can to make the little one comfortable.

We are off to Vancouver tomorrow for a long weekend. Including some spa stuff. Yummy!!

And in other news, I'm proud to report that....

Where 1% of the population is the same as me, 12% are bitchier than me and I am 87% more bitchy than the rest of the test takers.

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