Still alive and attached

January 15, 2002 - 7:27 a.m.

So maybe two weeks is a long time, Nick asked me to post at least a little something so people would know I'm still alive and in a relationship.

Yesterday was our one-year anniversary. YEAH for us!! We had a very quiet evening at home with candles, flowers, sparkling wine and ratatouille. Then we watched the Mark Twain documentary. Well, OK...truth be told Nick watched it and I fell asleep on him. It was good. Very very good.

I have made plans to go back east next month to work on some wedding stuff. Even agreed to let my mom throw me a bridal shower. (yikes!)

And in follow up...I did go to the doctor and got an RX for Prozac. But I never got it filled. I think I was in a deep dark place and really desperate. Upon getting home, I went online and learned a lot about anti-d's and pregnancy, asked a lot of girlfriends what they did, and chose to wait. I'm doing OK. Like a friend the last month you had a visit from your Mom, went off the pill and your anti-d's, got engaged, had your first holiday with Nick and are unhappy in your job. I think that's enough to throw anyone out of whack... I'm still going to see a psychiatrist and an OB and talk more about this.

In even better news...I had a phone interview with a big technology firm last week. And today have a follow up interview at a wireless carrier in their HR department. The wireless position would be a job share and give me the opportunity to work part time so I can focus more on jewelry. Wow!

in closing....

I love you Nick!

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